Carburants d'aviation durables : Qu'est-ce que le SAF ? Pourquoi utiliser le SAF ? Économie du SAF. Politique du SAF.

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Time to Fly, en collaboration avec Advanced Biofuels USA, est fier de publier un guide sur les carburants d'aviation durables (SAF) à destination d'un public général, des entreprises axées sur les initiatives ESG (environnementales, sociales et de gouvernance), ainsi que des investisseurs potentiels.
Voici un extrait de l'article (EN) :
"This project started when we realized the gap between amount of understanding the general public has about SAF and the important potential it holds to mitigate climate change. SAF usage is key to adapting to the climate crisis we are all facing as individuals, communities, companies or institutions.
We believe that the first step for a technology to spread is to make it easy to understand. That’s even more the case for aviation: an industry which is hard to defossilize while being massively used by a large spectrum of consumers.
Therefore, this four-part guide is built around the idea of making something that could be perfect for a curious teenager to understand. Though, while key concepts are all depicted in one place and simply explained, we added a technical layer to match the needs of professionals who need to understand, quickly, what SAF is about.
It answers key questions and shines light on key topics: What is SAF? Why use SAF? The Economics of SAF. The Politics of SAF.
This complete installment focuses on the ways that SAF is made and explains the international framework and assessment for SAF development from a variety of processes (pathways) using a multitude of feedstocks. It moves on to present the wide range of reasons to replace fossil aviation fuel with SAF and describes key economic considerations as well as political activities related to SAF in Europe, France and the US.
Part 1 was published in 2022 and also includes more background about the development of this series and an extensive summary of Part 1. READ MORE
This complete 4-part presentation includes an updated Part 1 along with the other new sections. In addition, you can download a PDF with the slides and links to related sources in the notes section.
Discover more about what SAF is, about the variety of production pathways and the feedstocks for each of them; consider why SAF makes sense in the aviation industry's quest for sustainability; and see how different countries and international organizations are encouraging, even mandating, transition to SAF. "
Gaulthier Blangez (consultant SAF chez Time to Fly)
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